We are not alone here in Luxembourg when it comes to developing constructive solutions in other far-flung countries and implementing them structurally successfully.
There are partners who help us very effectively so that we can achieve more together. Also important to us are our aid projects which are specifically located in countries where the problems can
be tackled at their roots in order to guarantee the animals the greatest possible protection.
Fans for Nature Germany
The aim of the association is to promote the conservation of wild animals in populations that are as unadulterated as possible, and in doing so to promote the protection of animals, nature and the environment at various levels.
Fans for Nature Finland
Finnish offlayer of the organisation Fans for Nature, founded by Johanna Elomaa, after visiting the sanctuaries together with Orang Utan Help Lëtzebuerg and Fans for Nature Germany.
Lebensraum Regenwald E.V.
"Lebensraum Regenwald" is a nature conservation organisation that has grown out of a private initiative and deals with the problems of the rainforest and its inhabitants. Its aim is to preserve the rainforest in its biodiversity as a climate buffer and habitat for humans and animals.
Natur & Ëmwelt
Natur & Ëmwelt is the largest nature and environmental protection organisation in Luxembourg, composed out of a registered association and a foundation.
Stiftung PanEco
PanEco is a non-profit Swiss foundation committed to nature and species conservation and environmental education in Switzerland and Indonesia.